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Category : Export
  • Read more : Automotive Testing Expo Shanghai 2020

    Climats will be attending the

    <link www.testing-expo.com/china/en/register.php _blank external-link-new-window "(lien externe - nouvelle fenêtre)">Testing Expo China 2020</link>

     in Shanghai, at the SWEECC, Hall1, the 14th 15th and 16th September 2020.

    Our partner WELLENT (<link sales@wellent.com.cn - mail "Send an email to Wellent">sales@wellent.com.cn</link>) will be present on the stand to answer all your questions.

    <link www.testing-expo.com/china/en/register.php _blank external-link-new-window "(lien externe - nouvelle fenêtre)">Register now for your free exhibition pass here !</link>

    Come and visit us on stand 11003 !