Values of Climats' brand






Widely acclaimed by users, you will discover, or re-discove, both the ergonomy and power of our regulation system SPIRALE.
In this latest development, the system still offers an unequalled ease to handle while reducing energy costs.
The conception in sub-assemblies of the environmental chamber EXCAL enables to combine 8 test volumes with 14 different thermal modules in order to reach the right balance that perfectly matches your requirements.
The environmental chamber EXCAL grows each day with new functionalities driven by our customers expectations. If the small detail that would change everything for you does not exist yet, we know how to easily integrate it into your machine.
A know-how, recognized components, 100% european supplies, and above all, putting one-self in the user's place for the operation, the metrology and the maintenance of the environmental chamber EXCAL.
The functionalities of the environmental chamber EXCAL are flexible. They enable to adapt to the multiple test standards, to switch to hot/cold mode or hot/cold/humid mode, to manage fast change rates as well as complexe regulation modes;
Technological advance is the keyword that characterizes the environmental chamber EXCAL.
These are the expertise and ingenuity of our Research and Development departments - stakeholders of the production - that help improve everyday the environmental chamber EXCAL.
Thanks to its actual and modular design, its optimum insulation, its more efficient actuators and its instinctive regulation system, EXCAL stands out as the environmental chamber that you need.